by AdamTheNumberOneMan • Uploaded: Mar. 05 '09
I had a client that wanted a logo and a name for a sushi bar. This was one idea i had
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Very Cute, I love it. Great Job.
Replyyeah i like this
ReplyIt's really nice. But I'm note sure... Your Japanese food illustration isn't a sushi. I think its name is Makimono.
Replykeyo - true, lighter color font does look good, but cant change it now.. Thanks for the comment :%7D**Gustavocadar - i'm not sure.. makimono is a name of a illustration on paper, this is a maki which is a type of sushi. Anyways it's a logo for a sushi bar not a illustration of a sushi. You think that it's not working as it is?
ReplyYea, very nice feel to this one bud :D
ReplyHi Adam,*I do think it works very well. I was just worried to someone say %22hey, it's not a sushi%22, but if a maki is a kind of sushi (really I'm not a sushi expert, you are probably right), you will not have any problem. The logo is clear and remarkable, congratulations!
ReplyIt's teka maki.*I like the illustration.*Does the halo match though?*It seems too perfect compared to the rest.
Replyloved it
ReplyVery nice initial idea followed up with a great design, very sweet :D
ReplyEllo:) I am interested in your logo. How do I contact you?
Replythis page have to your client?
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