by BlackColourBash • Uploaded: Feb. 26 '09 - Gallerized: Feb. '09
Revised version of the first logo.
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Lets Discuss
i like this, great job, very unique
ReplyPenflare, thank you for your kind remarks, really glad you like it.
ReplyI like how you handled the type. Wondering if the mark would be better if the middle heart/fish had a similar stroke as the others. Still nice though.
ReplyOcularink, many thanks for your kind input. I initially did have all strokes equal in width, but the result was somewhat flat. I also prefer the BIG heart in the centre, and the ones around it sort-of %22in support%22 so to speak. I also feel that the different sized hearts lend it that %22conversational%22 effect.**PS. Do you really see fish?
ReplyVery nice. I think it conveys the message. Well done.
ReplyThank you kindly for all your remarks. The CHA centre is being launched in the next two weeks, and I'm really glad to be a part of the initiative.**
ReplyDon't know if you've ever seen this logo before but it's very similar to yours%3B
Reply@ jmjb. Unfortunately I've never come across the logo before. It seems like a wonderful restaurant.**PS. Did you design their logo?
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