by OcularInk • Uploaded: Dec. 03 '06
Personal logo. My quick attempt at a Christmas logo. It is still in development...once finished, it will be used on my custom Christmas cards. Logo utilizes basic forms from my Ocular Ink identity, while also utilizing imagery that relates to Christmas.
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Very nice, and one color too. Awesome way to make simplicity work!
ReplyThank-you, friend!
ReplyThe forms are very nice, but the physics are awkward. I mean, how can you pair a drop (which is liquid and very fragile) with that sharp and hard tree :) and also the scale...
ReplyInspiring. What font are you using? it seems to be a great Christmas font.
ReplyAnd for a second there Doc, I though you were giving me a festive greeting. Oh well, you have a great one pal and may you finish every last 'drop'.
ReplySpam! Yay. Have a glass of eggnog on me, harrymk.
ReplyMerry %&F$(*, Norman.
Hey, it's so good it works every years :)
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