by Logomotive • Uploaded: Jan. 17 '09 - Gallerized: Jan. '09
A combination of the word Loc and Key =LocKey.
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Lets Discuss
cool concept!
ReplyThanks JLS glad you like it.
Replysimple and brilliant!
Reply%5E That's the Key here :-)
Replylove it
ReplyThanks 08 and Logotivity.
Replywhat am i looking for??
Reply%5EThe answer to life, the universe and everything?
Replycleverly executed, gives a fresh feel unlike the regular lock n key logo's.
ReplyMike!! man you come out with some goodys.
Replygreat logo!
Replyvery nice mike :) I love it!
ReplyDude... Sweet!
ReplyI've run out of things to say. Great!
ReplyThank you guys.
Replygreat , nice work
ReplyReally nice mark! But smth is wrong with letter %22e%22.
Replynow that's what i'm talkin' about! vedy nice. tres bien again and again.
Replyget a real job mike**(LOL)
ReplySimple and clever, I dig.
ReplyIntegration is the word, dude! Mucho cool!
ReplyLike jsae, nice concept %3B)
ReplyAgain with the creativity. Impressive. I like the simplicity.
Replyvery creative.
ReplyBrilliant Concept!
ReplyToo bad it wasn’t designed for an existing company, but still this logotype is epic. That’s the key, you would say.**It was the winner of my weekly roundup too @
Reply%5E thanks!! guys. *@f055 cool my man, that's great. It was designed for MYKEY, ME %3B-) thanks.
ReplyCongratS!!!! very ellegant
ReplyYou make it look so simple... that's what I call inspiration. Cool logo!
ReplyThanks gorz.*thanks nolete, yep piece of cake %3BP
Replyrocking lock! :D
ReplyReally great!*Very Good Work!*
ReplyGreat logo, so good someones stolen it of you:*Few others on there too :(
ReplyThanks guys, guess I should read my comments regularly. @Spore guess he took it down?
ReplyThis is greates thing what i see
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