McGee Company

by mikedesart • Uploaded: Jan. 05 '09


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Description: This is a logo redesign for a company that wanted an Irish feel.
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Viewed: 3291

Lets Discuss

Kode Jan. 06 '09

There's an Irish bar in my town called %22Shenanigans%22 with the exact same mark and typeface!**I'd say you nailed the Irish feel goal bro!

Reply Jan. 06 '09

Love it when a logo comes off nice even in one color! Super work!

mikedesart Jan. 06 '09

Kode, Where do you live? Thats kind of funny that they are so similiar.

Kode Jan. 06 '09

I live in %22Prior Lake, Minnesota, USA%22! I really like the arrangement and feel of this one though!**I would provide you with an image of their logo but I don't think they have a website to grab it from, maybe next time I'm there I'll snap a photo!**You'd be happy to know that their arrangement is different though!


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