Most Travelled Person

by bartodell • Uploaded: Dec. 22 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '09


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Description: The members of the Most Travelled Person tribe are avid world travelers. Many are wealthy and older individuals. This mark is to be used on travel shirts, bags, luggage tags and more.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8872

Lets Discuss

joder Dec. 22 '08

Nice one. Fav'd.

koodoz Feb. 16 '09

I hope to one day be part of a club like this :) Nice job Bart

penflare Feb. 17 '09

nicely done bartodell! really like the cleanliness!

logotivity Feb. 17 '09

I love this man.. Probably one of my favorites..

gyui Feb. 17 '09

I really like it bartodell, so this is a nitpicky comment ... the base of the globe, it throws the perspective off for me. It seems like you are looking up at the globe, so maybe do a flattened half moon type base for the globe?

OcularInk Feb. 17 '09

Glad to see this in the gallery. Very nice, Bart. Wish I would have thought of it.

ahmed.assal Feb. 26 '09

I like the logo can you please send me your email so we can work together, my email is''''

rick! Feb. 26 '09

Greate icon! I love it


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