
by creativeheart • Uploaded: Dec. 06 '08


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Description: My MFA group just designed a 7 step creative process we are calling Sparks. The process is designed to teach creative problem solving. This stylized s as a flame is the logo Mark I did for that process.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1636

Lets Discuss

pineapple Dec. 06 '08

A bit close to the Helio logo?

creativeheart Dec. 06 '08

What does the helio logo look like? Do you have a link?

creativeheart Dec. 06 '08

Ok, I see the Helio logo, mine is better. The Helio is just a flame, mine is a flame as a stylized S. I am sure the Helio is not the only flame logo out there. I will post the mark with the type.

designersbow Dec. 09 '08

havent seen the helio logo but props for the %22S%22 goodjob!

LisaFG Dec. 10 '08

I agree...this type of flame is used a lot. Reminded me of the Helio logo as well, it's slightly different though, so good job.Try to play around with different ways of presenting this image.


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