
by toja • Uploaded: Nov. 04 '08


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Description: This is a logo for my friends - maybe the concept and realisation aren't quite okay but in this pariticular case it doesn't matter. The hint is that above there is a shape of Africa and the line shows the route across the continent my friend is going to do; below there is a shape of my country - Poland but in fact geografically Poland lies above Africa - in Europe My friend is going to take part in a journey across Africa. He wants to recur an awesome travel done by bike and on foot by the Polish traveller - Kazimierz Nowak between 1931-1935. If you want know more about this ameizing jurney visit this sites:
As seen on: Kazimierz Nowak site>>>
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1766

Lets Discuss

gyui Nov. 05 '08

It is an interesting idea, but it sounds like a pretty complex storyline you are trying to convey. I like your mark, but it is hard to know all of that which you described above without reading your description. %0D*%0D*Maybe you need to just focus on africa and leave poland out of the mark? good luck.

woelve Nov. 06 '08

Ciekawy znak, ale (ogolnie) uzywasz zbyt delikatnych kroj%F3w pisma przy (dodatkowo) duzej dysproporcji miedzy sygnetem a logotypem. Sprawdz, jaki bedzie rozmiar fontu przy wielkosci np. 3x3 cm.

toja Nov. 06 '08

gyui: as I said I didn't much time to work on it. Yes you right it is quite complex mark but usually we do marks that keep more than one level of meaning. this time I decided to explain because I decided write something more about Kazimerz Nowak and my friend journey too.**woelve: Prawdemowiac zdecydowałem się dodać napis tylko tutaj znajomi uzywaja go bez napisu - moze nie trzaba było go dodawac.

draw74 Feb. 18 '09

I see the similarity, and the complexity of the background makes the message unconvayable in this fashion. If I'm getting the things right, this means %22in footsteps of Kazymyr Novak%22?


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