by Logomotive • Uploaded: Nov. 03 '08


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Description: EAGLECTRIC logo WIP..
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7418

Lets Discuss

Matheus Nov. 03 '08

nice idea. The orange line seems unaligned.

logomotive Nov. 03 '08

it is on purpose. Still working on it though, thanks.

logomotive Nov. 03 '08

Thanks Matheus, you helped me decide which way to go.

Type08 Nov. 04 '08

Cool concept Mike, I like it very much! Very original!

revolvedesign Nov. 04 '08

Nice logo Mike :D*my only suggestion would be to make the forehead slightly more predominant, as it looks a tiny bit like a wave. but im just nit picking... great concept.

struve Nov. 04 '08

EAGLECTRIC, boogy oggie oggie oggie

insomnisdesign Nov. 04 '08

Nice.. typeface works well with the mark...

Kwaku Nov. 05 '08

never fail to impress me*it seems that your 30 years of experience allows you to create good logos unbelievable quick. kudos.

firebrand Nov. 05 '08

30 years of experience? You started out young, Mike %3B)

jmartinr Nov. 05 '08

Hello logomotive%3B**I am Javier Mart%EDn from Canary Islands. I am trying to contact you to ask about a project, but I can not find the contact info.**Please send me you email to :**[email protected]**I am writting from an agency called Nubb%F6**www.nubbo.eu**Best regards**Javier

logomotive Nov. 05 '08

Thanks Kwaku, ya know back in 1974 in Kindergarten I designed the alphabet with cute little curly scrolls at the end of each letter. The teacher said: %22Those are really nice Mike, but that's not the way they are suppose to be done.%22 OH YEAH? Who says LOL? anyhow Roy he's half right. %3B-) *thanks guys and jmartin, I sent you an email.

OcularInk Nov. 05 '08

So, were you around when the General Electric logo was created? Haha...just kidding. Nice work on this one, man.

revolvedesign Nov. 12 '08

Is this the finalised version?*the type is really nice, did you make yourself?

logomotive Nov. 12 '08

NOPE, have more but yes it is custom type, thanks.

Cyclone200 Jan. 13 '09

Thats good, but, the gradient suck :x

logomotive Apr. 28 '11

2 years later.. Thanks guys :)*

logomotive Apr. 28 '11

Wow, I could have sworn Rudy made a comment here a few minutes ago. I was just about to respond... Well anyhow Rudy Thanks! I could have went this route http://cdn2.arkive.org/media/AF/AF4078A9-1626-43F7-82F2-921EB5C1F671/Presentation.Thumb/Lanner-falcon-caught-in-electrical-wires.jpg but felt it was too negative.

rudy hurtado Apr. 28 '11

Yes Mike, I made a comment, I don't see it anymore, hahaha that was funny! I like this one a lot.


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