by Logomotive • Uploaded: Oct. 19 '08 - Gallerized: Oct. '08
PIXSKULL based on the word pixel LOl Yep I've gone mad, Really.Type updated for Glen ;-)
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
enjoying the pixels there, nice execution**have fun*
ReplyFine line between genius and insanity. But this name borders on the genius. Love it. But would like to see the mark with unpixskullated type. Would be great for a team of graphic design bikers.
ReplyNow I want it on the back of my bike jacket.
Reply%5E%5E Thanks ndmgfx and Glen yeah leather jacket but only for the cool tough guy logo geeks and by the way I am insane.
Reply%22That's Hott!%22 -Paris Hilton %3B)
ReplyHave you considered using a few gray pixels, versus all white?**I like the typeface, but not the %22s%22 - a little too sharp.**But _nice_.
Reply%5E thanks, if this were a larger pixel pattern, yes. My goal here was minimal pixels to form the shape of a skull and crossbones. Grey would not be as effective.
Replythe reason I used this S is the 90 degree angle at the ends.
ReplyMan, that pixel skull worked out perfectly. Sweet!
ReplyThanks DOC OC, always nice to have your approval.
ReplyHardcore designer. Love it
ReplyI want the t shirt
Replyreally cool dude, i like very much, only the %22S%22 bothers me a little.*Great Job
ReplySeems a bit of a nothing logo to me
ReplyCheers guys, may have to make a shirt for this.*Flant, sorry I did not impress you with my pixskills.
ReplyLogolounge gone bad.
Reply%5EYou've always been one for skulls, eh Mike? From what I remember.
Replyyep LOVE em!
ReplyPsh, bone head.
ReplyWhoever the hell %22person_guyz%22 is, he makes a horrible parrot. Somebody please ban/remove his poorly constructed spam.
ReplyThis reminds me of one of the latest Logolounge books.
ReplyDavid, well Something that would never be admitted if it were, also based on their LL pixel plan, could be just purely coincidental. Just a similarity I noticed.
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