by ingero • Uploaded: Oct. 13 '08
This is for a community art project that involves artists getting together and making art and then providing it to the community via art shows.
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I get the lab part, but the art part isn't really coming through in the mark. Care to elaborate?
ReplyYeah I agree...I don't see the %22art%22 concept on this mark. Is there like a hidden %22a%22 that I can't decipher?
ReplyI actually tried putting a paintbrush inside of the tube, but it just wasn't looking right. Aside from that, having something sticking outside of the tube made me think of a Pharmacy rather than a labatory (Rx). I have used the paintbrush in print materials so far, but kept it outside of the actual logo for simplicity sake. I really just wanted to keep it simple.
ReplyBTW, thanks for the feedback! Keep it coming :)
ReplyI agree with ocularink and nexqunyx, but also is there a way to bring the %22community%22 aspect into the design?
Replyi get the lab but show me some art
ReplyTake logopond's logo for example... does it have anything to do with a community of designers and logos? It's just a lilly pad. Not every logo needs to have a billion concepts merged into it. While there is a place for logos like that... I think in this case simplicity is really the key.
Replyi dont agree with you ingero, i mean u do have a point bu u must recon that some terms are much more depictable than others, in the logo pond case its harder to depict a term so vast as logo, on the other hand both art and lab are very depictable perhaps more colors inside the vile would suffis.**it is only natural that with such strong depictable concepts one is bound to demand their presence**its like if i had a company named flying dog and i create a mark if a dog dinking from a puddle
ReplyIn addition to what chng! is saying, you can have a logo express multiple facets and still be simple. The reason why I asked about the %22community%22 is because in your summary it seems to be a very significant aspect of the brand.%0D*%0D*and if you wanted to shoot for simplicity, imagine your mark standing on it's own without the tagline. Would it still mean the same?
ReplyI like chng! idea about more colors in the vile. You could even have the colors mixing up somehow.
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