Zamorano villas

by onpurpose • Uploaded: Sep. 23 '08 - Gallerized: Sep. '08


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Description: Logo for an agency who rent and sells houses and appartments in Toscany. The logo focuses on the typical landscapes and architecture the tourists are expecting to see.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 11399

Lets Discuss

cerise Sep. 23 '08

I really like the colours, and it feels like you're looking through a arched window...Good Job

saawan Sep. 23 '08

Agree with cerise. Nice colors!

koodoz Sep. 24 '08

Love the shape of the 'window'. Colours are really nice too

BennyYarnell Sep. 24 '08

I think it deserves more credit than to be merely appealing to %22tourists%22.

plagiato Sep. 25 '08

WOW! *it will always be on dark background, yes?

mdlogo85 Sep. 25 '08

The logo is very beautiful, but I have always drawn logos in such way that they were easy to stamp and to reproduce. Therefore I know that it needs to use a number of colors the most limited possible, 1 2 or at the most 3. In this logo I see more than 3 and so I think that this logo isn't so good in the white and black color. *A way to resolve the problem could be that to eliminate the brown inside the arcs and to do them passing so that the sky is seen through, and then it needs to think something for the green of the trees. *However big beautiful logo.

Matheus Sep. 25 '08

md, if he makes the brown part in white, sky in black, the house in white and so the trees, there is no problem at all I think%3B

hindmarshdesign Sep. 25 '08

This is so peaceful. Stunning logo.

lemnis Sep. 26 '08

Nice Colours. Invokes the Italian mood.

antoonj Sep. 27 '08

Great colours, i like it alot.

ray2008 Sep. 28 '08

i like the colors and the shape of the logo

Digital-ink Oct. 09 '08

Perfect logo for the job reminds me of Tuscany and creates a need to visit. %0D*%0D*Great Mark.

firebrand Dec. 15 '08

Aweet. I'd love to go to Tuscany.

firebrand Dec. 15 '08

I meant sweet. Arthritus is setting in. *

andreiu Nov. 04 '09

this is very nice. i like the feeling a lot!


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