
by s7even • Uploaded: Aug. 27 '08 - Gallerized: Aug. '08


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Description: Proposed name and type treatment to accompany the alpaca I posted earlier. The company manufacture luxury alpaca fleece products.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 22779

Lets Discuss

bahrouh Aug. 27 '08

Nice %26 Clean %5E%5E

Type08 Aug. 28 '08

Brilliant! I'm allergic to wool but I would try to wear those %3B))

BigAl67 Aug. 28 '08

Love that continuous linework. Great looking mark.

mindysteen Aug. 28 '08

Very nice. And this looks just like an alpaca. If it were me, it'd end up looking like a camel or something. Great, clean work!

firebrand Aug. 28 '08

Fantastic, I love it.

logomotive Aug. 28 '08

Maumer, I really like the look, just curious though,.. was the way you did the single line just for style? It seems you could have achieved the same basic shape without overlapping lines.

s7even Aug. 28 '08

Thanks to all for the kind words.. *@ BigAl67 - good to see another kiwi on here! Not sure how it took me this long to stumble onto your work - nice showcase.*@ Logomotive.. The overlapping continuous line was indeed a style consideration. A simple outline of a silhouetted alpaca could probably have worked here also, but this was a great (and seemingly appropriate) opportunity to create something in this continuous line style. I have been fascinated with this style since it first came to my attention and just love the way the overlap makes it possible to describe the form of the animal (beyond the silhouette) in very simple and efficient terms. Initial feedback from the client was all very positive and also identified the connection between the linework and a single thread of yarn.

s7even Aug. 28 '08

I almost forgot - type08 you will be pleased to learn that alpaca fibre is superior to wool (incl. cashmere and mohair) in all the ways that matter (finer, warmer, softer, more lustrous etc.) it also contains no lanolin making it naturally hypoallergenic.. downside is the yield is much lower than sheep or goats making it somewhat more precious (read expensive).

Good Website Design Aug. 29 '08

wow..simple elegant and superb..5 stars ..

Type08 Aug. 29 '08

I got it! Where can I buy it? %3B) Good work...

Vivara Aug. 29 '08

This one reminds me of one of dache's.*http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/20815**Nice though.

logomotive Aug. 29 '08

%5ENOT EVEN close com on. it' simple line art or single line art. geez people look around and experience the world. Enjoy,love one another and CREATE!

mrmatthamm Sep. 02 '08

Lovely logo! Beautiful illustration, Nothing like that link sent by Vivara. in fact its a better logo if anything.

shin Sep. 15 '08

always love a unending ties

fogra Sep. 18 '08

Excellent work Steven.

Rudy Oct. 07 '08

Great work. Well crafted.

nataliav Oct. 15 '08

the alpaca looks great %26 expensive, very well simplified and that golden color rocks. don't love the typography though.

cseven May. 04 '09

Lovely mark - it's got a Felix Sockwell feel to it (that's a compliment btw).

cake_sama May. 19 '09

This is really cool and well executed, can't believe I haven't seen it. *cseven I agree and I love Felix's work

tass Jun. 04 '09

smooth shape :) love it!

JoePrince Feb. 16 '10

This is sweet! Nice work.

s7even Jun. 10 '10

BIG THANKS to everyone for all the kind comments... means alot when other designers appreciate my work :)

s7even Oct. 09 '10

Thanks James :) - Thought I should update it with the approved colour-way.

Type08 Mar. 03 '11

This is also a Club100 material!

milou Mar. 03 '11

%5E Why there's no link to logos with 100 floats yet?

wizemark Sep. 06 '12

One of the all time favorite logos.


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