Singapore Govenment

by misterjones • Uploaded: Aug. 25 '08 - Gallerized: Aug. '08


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Description: Just an idea i had.. Possible identity for the Singapore government, using their trademark SG in an iconic shape.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 14762

Lets Discuss

Type08 Aug. 25 '08

I like this a lot... This is one modern government %3B) Great icon, nice balance with the typography...

mister jones Aug. 25 '08

thanks, it's just an idea though. They haven't actually commissioned me..**yet?*:)

Type08 Aug. 25 '08

They should Mister J, they should... Good luck! :)

jimk Aug. 25 '08

Love the simplicity of the mark and the font is nice too!

firebrand Aug. 25 '08

Clever. It's modern and yet it seems to mimic an East Asian character. Interesting that you've dropped the national symbol. You could make a merlion out of the S and G %3B)

mister jones Aug. 25 '08

thanks firebrand, i see what you mean with the merlion, but i think it's time to drop that freak of nature :)

lucadolci Aug. 25 '08

Very great logo, congratulations for idea :)

Darrel Aug. 25 '08

Very nice. Alas, this would never past muster via a government committee. It's way too nice for that.

Matheus Aug. 25 '08

it ressembles me a bit of raja's brand. *anyway, it's a great logotype.

mister jones Aug. 25 '08

@ darrel: you hit the nail on the head... after 18 months here working for huge corporations (quit a few governmental), i can only agree with your statement.

sdijock Aug. 28 '08

Great mark - very Asian in look and feel. Love the simplicity of the type underneath as well.

Thomas Aug. 29 '08

Nice and clean with an excellent concept! Congratulations.

mdlogo85 Aug. 29 '08

I like so much your choise about the font... it's so clear... Good work..

logomotive Aug. 29 '08

Not so good composition though.

mister jones Aug. 29 '08

made the icon a bit smaller, was too heavy. Composition is fine in my opinion.

Kwaku Aug. 30 '08

I think the composition is really ok*stable design

respiro Aug. 30 '08

Simple and powerful. Congrats!

mister jones Aug. 30 '08

@ oximax, cheers for that soldis capital link, i see the similarities but can honestly say that i never saw this logo before - don't really like the type too. Mine was conceived making sketches on a piece of paper during a drink at a singapore bar - I think i still have those somewhere. It was originally intended for another (commissioned but unfortunately canned) huge project - related to singapore branding, but if i told you i'll have to kill you all.. :)

cobaltcow Aug. 30 '08

i think this one is awesome however - at a government level, they're less likely to go with an 'monogram' logo and want a 'mark' of some type that represents the country. try to capture the feeling of the country or promote its assets - kinda like an 'olympics' style logo. the mark usually represents something about the country while also representing harmony, and competition.%0D*worth some thought anyway.

omixam Aug. 31 '08

I believe you. It has happened to me also. It is very difficult to do a design that it does not remind to other one. Anyhow yours seems to me better

epluth Sep. 03 '08

Very governmenty. Nice job.

people search Sep. 03 '08

Very clean...however does the URL need to be there?

Paul Rand Mar. 09 '09

you punk!*you nailed it!

jtroll Mar. 22 '09

Hey Mister Jones, do you mind me asking what typeface you used here? It's classy - not too corporate not too modern. Just right, as Baby Bear would say.

mister jones Mar. 22 '09

jtroll, it's Apex Sans Book, by


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