
by Jovan • Uploaded: Aug. 24 '08 - Gallerized: Feb. '11


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Description: Italian restaurant identity. Lion is the symbol of St. Mark the patron of Venice
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 6382

Lets Discuss

errede Aug. 24 '08

Good idea and well solved, but the lion's face looks so angry

Type08 Mar. 15 '10

I like this, very cool! Maybe just downsizing the tag line a bit...

oliver13 Sep. 29 '10

Great logo design Jovan :) I like it**Carried in Cruzine:

Agencija Feb. 24 '11

Nice he is hungry on spagety!

whobee Feb. 24 '11

I like this concept but the color palette for the lion makes him appear ill (hopefully not from his meal). I don't think that works well with the angry face Errede pointed out. The green and red are for Italy but maybe a healthier tint of the flags actual green would have been better. Just a thought.

dannygdammit Feb. 24 '11

I agree with whobee about the green.. I think the quality and style is very refreshing :) I might consider capitalizing the %22R%22..

Jedah Doma Feb. 24 '11

I honestly don't enjoy this logo. An odd color scheme (the neon green and red looks like a nuclear Christmas). As others have stated, the lion looks very angry and/or depressed. The form and shape of the lion doesn't sit well with me either. Not very striking or interesting in my opinion. The only part I like is the font for %22Venezia%22. Seems to fit well. Though the type underneath feels a bit too busy and curly.**All in all, good idea, I'm just not sure if it was executed correctly.

logoboom Feb. 24 '11

Maybe it's spinach pasta.**I love it. Feels classic.

logoboom Feb. 24 '11

However your kerning (particularly VE) needs some refining.

jovan Feb. 25 '11

Hi everyone :) Thanks for commenting. A bit of the logo background: it is a pretty old work, almost 12 years old. I started with a design right before the NATO bombing of Serbia. Unfortunately, the project was never realized, due to an ongoing war (at the time). However, I decided to include the ‘angry’ lion in my portfolio. The logo exists only as a remembrance of crazy time when design helped me to mentally survive. Hope its not too pathetic %3B)


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