by Graeme • Uploaded: Jul. 07 '08 - Gallerized: Jul. '08
The new rocket dog. Its a chihuahua and he's going really fast, so he needs his goggles. He likes the wind. Most dogs do.
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Lets Discuss
ReplyAwesome! The reflection / shadow isn't needed IMO.
Replyyeah very nice but lose the reflection. good work.
ReplyVery well done!
ReplyCute. His back legs look a bit awkward to me since the front legs seem well spaced.
ReplyVery nice, clean and funny logo! **Though I agree with jguay, the back legs seem a little bit strange. But I only noticed it after looking at it for a while, first impression was great.
ReplyGreat concept and very nicely done. Good job!
Replyi like the concept, but the goggles look awkward to me. THey don't really sit right on his head and the perspective seems to be different then that of the dog
ReplyThe goggles should be moved a little over to the right. Great concept though.
ReplyNice placement of the 'TM'
ReplyI am such a fan of this logo. Brilliant!
ReplyAre those Paris Hilton's goggles that her pet's wearing? :D *I like this logo.
ReplyA dog wearing sunnies is always cool. Well executed. Looks like the dog is sitting behind the blast of a rocket... good one.
Replycute little bastard :) nice concept
ReplyOn your marks…get ready…get set…GO! **Such a Great Logo
Replygreat logo.. perfect in one color, amazing in color, very memorable, i've got one word for you: perfection.
ReplyI would have to agree with kriecheque about the goggles. They seem to be placed wrong. The perspective is slightly off.
ReplyArrg this is so balanced/clean/flowing/moving/structured. You're awesome.
ReplyHmm .. I wonder if this company was before or after:**Nice logo btw:)
Replyi like that, very nice logo
Replybrilliant concept...nice
Replyhaha, great!
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