
by liquor • Uploaded: Jun. 23 '08 - Gallerized: Jun. '08


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Description: Fenix
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 11956

Lets Discuss

cobaltcow Jun. 25 '08

mate - this is a hot mark! Great type and execution.**just a few personal thoughts though.**1. at first i thought it was a ferret with wings. maybe make more of a dip at the back of the neck? I think phoenix's usually have more of a defined head.**2. The gap between the X and the tail seems slightly too big for me.**3. The tail section to the right of the X could be a little more rounded. it seems a little to square and doesnt flow naturally around.

liquor Jun. 26 '08

@cobatcow.: Thanks for comment mate. They r very useful..i will think about it

sisudesigns Jun. 26 '08

I like the type, the birds feathers could be simplified but its a wonderful mark.

AlexWende Jun. 30 '08

I agree with sisudesigns about the feathers, it was my first thought too. The type and the mark are very well balanced, looking very nice!

shiimera Jul. 09 '08

I love it and I agree with cobatcow comment.

Type08 Jul. 24 '08

Logo is great! Personally, I would make it with other typography...

lifesaverservant Aug. 25 '08

Love it. Ver refreshing use of type and mark. Thanks for the break from ordinary. FO SHO!!!

kappa Aug. 26 '08

Love this palate. Great mark

orjan Aug. 26 '08

ooo...this is good. Enjoying it!

Rezik Nov. 02 '08

Like it, how can I contact you ?


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