Lindy's Corner Cafe

by ten26 • Uploaded: May. 23 '08


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Description: Logo for small town corner cafe, with authentic malts, and small town foods.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9496

Lets Discuss

kriecheque May. 23 '08

looks very appropriate for an ice crem shop. I would go with a vanilla colored ice cream though...just to add some color contrast.

mentelibre1 May. 23 '08

muy bien!!!%0D*me gusta el aspecto retro%0D*%0D*me da la sensacion de que tienen buen servicio%0D*%0D*mi critica es que el nombre lindy%B4s esta muy chico hacerlo un poco mas grande y bajar un poco todas las lineas de texto para que a la linea negra de el contorno que rodea a todo el nombre hacerla igual de gruesa que el vaso.%0D*%0D*nota: cafe en espa%F1ol lleva acento en la letra %22E%22 caf%E9

lucidity May. 27 '08

I like it. I agree with kriecheque, it is very appropriate.

THEArtistT Sep. 19 '08

I am looking at it from the perspective of the employee who has to wear this smack in the middle of their chest on a t-shirt... the ice cream looks like the upper torso of a woman (cherry is the head) and she has really big boobs. If a woman has to wear this, she will get a lot of off-color remarks. (Been there.)


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