by tdf • Uploaded: May. 22 '08


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Description: Concept under development - comments appreciated.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 17629

Lets Discuss

ixwa May. 23 '08

I am told that these multicolor geometric inventions are %22done to death%22.**But I like it.

james May. 23 '08

This is my favourite of the ideas you have. Would like to see some different colour variations on the mark something more vibrant.

JayKay May. 23 '08

ixwa, not when the geometric shape itself is an original one %3B-)**This is great, but the egg one wins imo!

tdf May. 23 '08

Thanks guys!*Yeah, I still want to play around with the color and shapes a bit.*Perhaps a series of different birds....

ndmgfx Oct. 19 '08

lovely colors and illustration*

jonjon2 Oct. 19 '08

Yes, it's a nice effect, maybe needs more works on colors.*great work*

brandcore Dec. 12 '08

great logo*and about..the link u sent me...yeah i know about that..*maybe we had the same ideea but mine..is very old..and i dont know..*anyway thx for the observation

JF Aug. 31 '09

TDF, this is a really beautiful logomark. The type is also well-suited for the mark. Super balance between proportion of mark to type. %0D*%0D*The only suggestion I'd have: where the colors overlap, why not make them a corresponding color? Meaning, if blue and green overlap...blue-green appears. A little harder where 3 colors overlap (I'd go with brown there), but the overlap could be emphasized more and add even further quality. Otherwise, it's really beautifully done.

pierro Sep. 23 '10

Love the name. nice work.


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