by cezarbianchi • Uploaded: Apr. 27 '08 - Gallerized: Apr. '08
International Soccer Program
Client work
soccer ball
Lets Discuss
ReplyLove this mark...but what's the deal with you and the letters Z and S?***
ReplyThe r is a bit difficult to make out aswell, and i'm not overly enthused with the shadow on the ball, maybe lose it. Have you thought of using a second type for the smaller subhead, so its easier to read? Nice vector tho.
Replygthobbs: The deal with the Z and S is that %22Brazilians%22 spell %22Brasil%22, and the rest of the world spells it %22Brazil%22, I personally think this is a beautiful compromise.**tconrad: Agree that a secondary (more legible) typeface for the subhead would clean it up a little. I DO NOT find that Brasil (or Brazil if you prefer) is illegible with the ball swoosh, and the shading on the ball I believe is a nice touch, but could be reshaped to further ephasize the roundness of the ball.
ReplyGreat work. I wish I could do these kinds of logos. :-)
ReplyI know how Brazilians spell it. Which is why I raise the issue. When you first posted this design, your title had it spelled BraSil but the logo spelled BraZil. Hence my confusion and question.**The other post I site is for your cezar logo where the design has an S instead of a Z.**I'll shut up now.**
ReplyI see the use of the backwards %22s%22 as a solid attempt to make the mark %22multi-lingual%22, and in my opinion, it successfully reads both directions. A solid execution, a unique compromise that we may seem more of amongst multi-lingual marks for western languages, with the propensity of globalization.
ReplyWell said, but at the end of the day...this is either a Z or a backward S.**
ReplyBrazil... Looks great! See ya in the World Cup!
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