by nido • Uploaded: Apr. 19 '08 - Gallerized: Apr. '08
importers of exotic southeast asian fruits.
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remind me the childish elephants from a girl on deviantart, anyway great job.
ReplyI could be me just having a brain-lobster...but I vaguely remember that elephant shape used on one other of your designs that's no longer in your showcase...**Cute design all the same :)
Replygotta agree wit ClimaxDesigns, the mark is great and still identifiable with the simplicity, but somehow the type doenst quite complement the mark and vice versa
Reply%22team work by ilona%22: , jeje i mean this one! :D and now that climax and shahrulazmi says it, i agree with them :)
ReplyLove the elephant illustration, Nav.
Replythanks guys.. ive updated the type. Thats what i was looking for a response on, so thanks again.
ReplyWow, Nido! At first I thought it was a whale until I read it further. Having said that, I do have a hangover :%7B
Reply@fogra.. hope you had a whale of a time though %3B)
Replycan you put a mouth on him please
ReplyThe stance on the elephant looks great. You can sense that he/she is reaching for the fruit. It's also cool how the fruit retains sort of a generic look. I can see this working in a number of colors across the brand. Have you tried another color for the wordmark? Perhaps a dark gray to reference the elephant part of the name? Either way, nice work.
ReplyThis is really nice, i love the playfulness of it. I'd like to see the type a bit bigger though, and possibly a slightly heavier weight, to complement the boldness of the illustration a bit better. Great work.
Replythanks guys.. will work it a little more.. %26 try out the great suggestions (though i have no idea what truck width is???) ... though i kinda like it the way it is... but thanks again guys
Replybrilliant nido. i wouldn't change a thing.
ReplyI saw a dinosaur with an apple for a head! Odd! Lovely style though!
Reply@ artboy: An applesaurus?*@ nido: Nice work. I like it a lot.
ReplyI like it. It's great.
ReplyNice nidomark, type is a bit small though.
ReplyNice font and shape combination.
Reply@gthobbs: Yeah I think so! Can't remember them featuring in Jurassic Park though so I can't be sure! %3B)
ReplyVery nidoesque %3B%5E)
ReplyThis is a gorgeous mark. I really like how the formality of a serif typeface juxtaposes the playful mark. The type could stand to be a bit heavier though, but not much.
ReplyEye-catching, simple, elegant and beautiful - a great identity concept!
ReplyLove it!
Replyi woul add, for the sake of %22recognisebility%22 a little tail to the elefant. maybe rised in the air to show excitement. either than that it's great. great colour too.
ReplyA tail would be nice :)
ReplyBrilliant in its simplicity. Love it. Don't mind the the type either... would also work with a very smooth, rounded sans serif - although we're all using that a lot these days, so nice to see someone go for a serif font for a change that's not Trajan.
Replyreeeeeeally cute!
ReplyThats beautiful, its absolutely cool.
Replymust say: great work!*
Replythank you guys, gals...
Replybravo !!! really clean and cute
ReplyWhoops! All this while I've been seeing it as a dinosaur! I missed the li'l white dot for the elephant's eye and was wondering how it was associated with elephant! Now that I know, good work. Floating it right now!
ReplyMaybe relate the ascenders to the elephant trunk? Maybe something fun to play with. I really like this logo though.
ReplyCongratulations Nido ! :-)
Replythank you.. i would also like to thank God.. my parents, wife, daughter, cat, fish that got eaten by the cat.. God... no.. stop the music.. i ain done!!!...
ReplyLet me be the first to interrupt you. Congrats, buddy!!
ReplyJust gets better and better each time I see it. Congrats mate.
ReplyYep, well deserved mate.
ReplySo simple and so stunning. Makes mostly jealousy you know. Enjoy your creation!
ReplyBatman and Robin do it again ... big ups Nido ... Mabruk
ReplyGadzooks I think your right, rest assured viewers the dynamic duo will be keep the world safe against the evils of baddesignartists and his evil henchman.Congrats Nido, killer design.
ReplyCongrats Nido, finally figured out what all the hype was about.
Replythank you everyone... again.. i was also involved in creating the name for this company... which makes it a bit more special (to me)
Replyone word. perfection.
ReplyBrilliant work with the name everything else. This is simply beautiful.
Reply(sigh)... this has been selected for logolounge 5..too .. there.. i said it!.. i must admit feeling a bit whorish prancing about on logopond because my work got selected for logolounge!.. i guess im a sucker for a bandwagon though!
Reply:) It would be an interesting thing to see in a few years logolounge (future) community members brag about their logos entered logopond vol.1 edition :)
ReplyI see people comparing Logopond and Logolounge and I have wanted to say this for a while but it should be obvious that Logopond is not Logolounge and Logolounge is not Logopond. Logolounge's strength is that it is a way to get your work published in an International marketplace. Logopond's strength however is that it is a supportive community where people can discuss their work and recieve feedback. I reckon anyone who reckons one will become the other or compares them as if they are the same thing is kidding themselves. There's my 2c anyway. %3B)
ReplyDarrel, I for one do not see anyone here comparing the 2? where is this coming from.? *BTW the majority of people buying the Logolounge book are designers themselves to see their work published (printed). I'm neither against or for but feel that one stands a far better chance gaining work online as apposed to a published printed book that far less will view. Logos are also being %22published%22 here and this is also an international marketplace, hey one day i also may join as I kind of feel outta the loop.I see strength in both. Just my 2 cents.
ReplySorry I meant Dale! %5E
Reply%5E%5E%5EOh I think Bojan (logoholik) meant to say Logopond (future)??*that must be where you grabbed that from. **Sorry nido %3B-%7D
Replyhmm, it is an interesting concept but it depends what you mean by 'surpass'. i am a huge fan of both logopond and logolounge, but they are not even the same type of site, and i do not for a second believe that one is capable of eclipsing the other in their own spheres of expertise. because of it's exclusivity logolounge will never be the type of community that logopond is (and let's not forget that afterall logolounge is not a design community, but a submission mechanism and catalogue that supports a printed product). i firmly believe that logopond's success is because it is a 'free to the public community site' as you say. i really don't see the reasoning behind logopond thinking it needs to be more like logolounge.
Reply%5Ewell stated!! do your own thingy :-)
ReplyNo! He is not! :)
ReplyI object!
Replyonly the time will tell :)
Replyyeah.. anyway.. while your still on about that bore!.. @David.. im still banned from the forum.. what am i???.. Al Capone!
ReplyDamn straight dale. The little ele rocks my world. I wish I could draw cool little characters like that!
Replyvery nice. congrats.
Replyagrade%E7a-lhe kriando ... e %E9 muito bonito ver os seus desenhos tamb%E9m.
ReplyThe form here is just so strong. Fantastic job!
Replythanks matthew!...
Replythanks Guy...
Replyfantastic!!! I like it so much! very work! congratulations!!!
Replyreally nice nido!!
ReplyI've admired this one before buddy - but I've never taken the time to comment. I love the style and executions on your logos. Awesome. Keep it up!
ReplyAlthough what I'm about to agree with is an old comment in this thread made by daleharris, I completely agree with what he said -- LogoPond is unique, doesn't need to compare itself to/duplicate others. It's formula is unique, and should stay that way. %0D*%0D*And, this logo is fabulous.
ReplyGui lah hui te ha fellas... your all too kind...
Replyi love it :)
Replyyeah... it's ok-ish... **thanks :)
ReplyUnique... Very cool!
Replyhe who dies with the most votes wins.......
Replyor just dies.
Reply102 damn!!
Replylets see if we can get to 1000!... :D
ReplyI'm in love with this!
ReplyI'm in love with an exotic south asian
ReplyNice sweet work.
ReplyHvala za komentar, drago mi je da ti se dopada :D
ReplyThe mark is so good
Replylove it's simplicity
ReplyThis is one of my favorite logo by far. It has that very unique simple and whimsical style that you do best. Great stuff!
ReplyI do love it!
Replythanks all... happy new year :D
ReplyI LOVE IT !
Reply%5Ethanks boldflower...
ReplyThis logo won the Silver Award at the Hiiibrand 2010 Awards. ****Just notified today. Congrats also to all else who entered and won.
ReplyHats off!,.. Congrats Nav.
Replyone of the (BEST) indeed.
ReplyWell deserved mate. The elephant that preceded all elephants.
ReplyThanks fellas... Silver does have me wondering where I went wrong though... o_O
Replywiw! amazing!
Replylove it!
Replybrilliant idea)
ReplyNice!! Although the type really isn't my favorite, the overall concept is solid.
ReplyReminds me of another logo, but I cannot put my finger on it.
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