by DangerussDesign • Uploaded: Apr. 12 '08
Logo for retirement home. Client wanted mark to be modern yet elegant with representation upon life and color. I chose the butterfly to give it life and movement accented by strong vibrant colors.
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Lets Discuss
Personally I find the font a bit to modern, its more suited to a nightclub I dont think many senior citizens will pull shapes on the dance floor*Maybe Mavis, but only when she had too much sherry god bless her!**Maybe a nice soft serif would be more suited*to this demographic.*
ReplyThe mark is beautiful but concerning the type I agree on brandie.
ReplyLovely mark. I actually quite like this simple and elegant font... maybe a serif is too stereotypical for old folk?
Replyyeah I sway more towards the modern type, but I see your point guys and will keep on trying new type, thanks for the feedback
ReplyBeautiful concept, dig it!
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