by nido • Uploaded: Apr. 03 '08
logo for a children's (toddlers) clothing line...
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Lets Discuss
Cool. I love the attitude in the eyebrow.
ReplyHaha, the pose says it all!
Reply%22Are you lookin' at me?!%22
ReplyVery cute...this is kick-a%24%24!!!
Replyyou sold a toddler to me! (ah, are the glasses included?) %3D%5D
ReplyAsk yourself punk!...was that number 2's or 1's
ReplyThanks guys!.. the inspiration was taken from a old pic of me %3B-).. %26 i still got it!
ReplyYou were better looking as a baby.
ReplyAnd no wonder you have the pacifier in your mouth. You were probably talking as you exited the womb. Okay, I'm done. :-P
ReplyWas looking at your showcase and saw this one....very cool!!!! Fantastic logo:)
ReplyHaha awesome looking illy!
Replyyeah gravitart, I'm sure you can... try contacting them %22here%22:**Thanks guys...
Replyvery, very cute!!!! :)
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