
by PA • Uploaded: Apr. 01 '08 - Gallerized: Apr. '08


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Description: for a french bistro
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 7355
Tags: lorenzo

Lets Discuss

alto Apr. 02 '08

Very nice! Added this one to my favorites. Great job!

koodoz Apr. 03 '08

Is this a custom font?

pa Apr. 03 '08

Sorry,*but when you say custom font what exacly are you meaning?**I have used a calligraphy font as a base to create this logo, however I have modified it. (I dont no if this is the answer you are looking for)

koodoz Apr. 03 '08

Hi PA,. Yeah, you answered my question... it's a customised font :)

OcularInk Apr. 09 '08

Overall, this looks fantastic. It's well balanced and very fluid and the colors seem spot on. Something about the 'L' looks like a 'P' though. Still, nice job overall.

chanpion Apr. 09 '08

Hmm...probably more of a 'tweaked' font rather than customised Koodoz. IMO, I always thought a customised font is one you build from scratch.%0D*%0D*But anyhow this one is done really nice. A script font presented right always gives it that bit of extra sophistcation and presitge, which this one certainly does.

OcularInk Apr. 10 '08

@ Chanpion : I think there's a difference between the words 'custom' and 'customized'. Ya know?! :-) A custom font is completely original and created for the client. A customized font is one that has been modified from another. That's my take on it.**P.S. Apparently I talk way TOO much. Time for me to shut-up.

nido Apr. 10 '08

do you guys talk customized crap or or are you just accustom to it?.. lol**%3B-)

nido Apr. 10 '08

oh.. very nice PA!

OcularInk Apr. 10 '08

I'm accustom to talking out my arse!!

PA Apr. 22 '08

thanks for the comments %3D)

gthobbs Apr. 24 '08

Very nice typo. Wondering if the e should connect to the n? Nice either way.

illusio Sep. 21 '08

Love it. This would make a great wine label too.


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