Aorangi primary school

by avateer • Uploaded: Mar. 22 '08


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Description: logo concept for aorangi primary school. trying to capture two aspects of the school, the bird symbolizing Education and star excellence.
Status: Student work
Viewed: 14348

Lets Discuss

gypseemoth Mar. 22 '08

Beautiful mark, but I don't get the gray part to the left of the %22Primary School%22 text. I think you don't really need it.

avateer Mar. 22 '08

the gray part is supposed to be the 5th point of the star.

gypseemoth Mar. 24 '08

ahh, sorry i totally didn't see it.

gthobbs Mar. 24 '08

Ohhh...didn't see that either. It looks like he has two wings on his backside. One up and one down.

avateer Mar. 25 '08

i agree its a bit of a stretch to see a star. but its a five pointed one

THEArtistT Sep. 14 '08

Ditch the extra point. Stars are over done anyway. Would be a truly beautiful mark without it. If you have to have the extra point, put in stylized feet.

Roderick2030 May. 07 '17

Please, I need to know who made this logo. It's beautiful. I wish someone could know, and also if it is in use.


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