Treacy Shoes

by Fogra • Uploaded: Mar. 15 '08


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Description: This is a concept logo for a shoe shop. In colour this time.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 17432

Lets Discuss

james Mar. 16 '08

Think I prefer the background colour in this version. I'd lose the gradient though and just have a solid tone as the gradient doesn't seem to follow through the shoe. Initials looked better white imo. Good work.

fogra Mar. 16 '08

Cheers James. You're right - flat colours do work better. I will update it soon.

fogra Mar. 16 '08

I decided to keep the aubergine gradient background after all :)

nido Mar. 16 '08

i dont mind the background.. however the concept is brilliant!

fogra Mar. 16 '08

Thanks again Nido.

fructosevtl Mar. 25 '08

very cool. i didn't notice the shoes from far. but now i do! great concept and execution. i admire your works. would you like to take some time to critique some of my logos? thank you.

OcularInk Apr. 05 '08

Yes, nice concept fogra. What a great play with negative space!!

sparked May. 14 '08

Hi. Very nice logo. Do you have an email address to contact you about logo creation?

fogra May. 14 '08

Hi sparked. You can contact me at: sean(at) Thanks.

Digitalorange May. 11 '11

I've seen this before. I love the idea. But the shoe is an odd shape. But I defo love the concept. Well done :)


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