
by maximalist • Uploaded: Mar. 10 '08 - Gallerized: Mar. '08


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Description: Distributor of radio control (RC) planes, helicopters. Made for OrangeLabel.ru
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 32443

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Mar. 10 '08

This works well. Nice type too.

itsgareth Mar. 10 '08

looks good, but i read it as D FLY at first

firebrand Mar. 10 '08

Slight legibility issue but otherwise great. You have some nice work, Denis.

gthobbs Mar. 10 '08

You know one thing you could do to counter the folks that read it as a D is to decrease the wing and E to the same size as the rest of the type. Might be interesting to see what that scale feels like. If it's too small then you now this is good.

rjohn Mar. 10 '08

very nice logo.*but i agree with gthobbs, you should try to scale the %22E%22 so that it has the same size as the rest.

maximalist Mar. 10 '08

thnx for all comments %3B)

MDK Jul. 15 '08

For me it has some kind of brilliancy like the fedex-logo. You have to look twice before you see its real expression.


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