Grove concept (unused)

by OcularInk • Uploaded: Jan. 28 '08


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Description: This is an old concept I worked on for The Grove Salon. Felt like posting it up.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 10008

Lets Discuss

dshikama Feb. 05 '08

good call on using a G with a nice little serif as the thumb support!

kidd81 Mar. 21 '08

rock on! i just love clever thought out logos! simple but killer impact!

grubedoo Apr. 21 '08

Great concept. I think variation in the line thickness of the blades would help them better relate to the G.

OcularInk Apr. 21 '08

@ andrendhiq : Thanks. :-)**@ kidd81 : Thanks, dude. Rock on!! ( %3C--- That's like my catch phrase. Weird. :-P )**@ Tats Me! : Do what?! :-P**@ grubedoo : Fantastic idea. The blades have been bothering me. Thanks, man.

kaimere Aug. 12 '08

just saw this ... awesome


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