by orfek • Uploaded: Jan. 26 '08
BACKGROUND: The Greek Bid Committee that completed the candidature files for the greek cities of Volos and Larisa needed a visual identity for their candidacy. We had to compete at first against the greek city of Patra in order to officially represent Greece for the final Mediterranean games bid. In October 2007 the results presented Volos and Larisa as the winner cities against Rijeka, Croatia and Mersin, Turkey in order to organize the Mediterranean games of 2013.
CHALLENGE: In the required visual identity, the client had the need to present Greece and in specific Volos and Larisa in a way that both history and greek heritage, along with environmental concerns would be conveyed in a successful way and encompass those meanings in a strong and contemporary logo.
SOLUTION: The logo of the VOLOS-LARISA 2013 Bid bears two symbolisms. The first symbolism has two dimensions since it promotes two basic elements of nature, the earth and the sea: the countries and the sea of the Mediterranean basin.
The ancient Greek ship in blue symbolises the Mediterranean Sea - navigation, which is a common factor for all the countries of the Mediterranean. Furthermore, among the many myths of ancient Greek mythology where human heroes follow one after the other, there is also the myth of a heroic ship, the "Argo", that of the "Expedition of the Argonauts" and Jason's search for the Golden Fleece. "Argo" sailed from Iolkos, an ancient city situated next to the present-day City of Volos.
The green Olive leaf symbolises the Mediterranean countries as it is a common element between them, but it is mainly also a sacred emblem in Greek tradition and history. It is widely known that the Olive leaf symbolises Peace and Athletic achievement since the winners in the ancient Olympic Games were crowned with an Olive branch named "KOTINOS". The leaf design resembles an eye; it is inspired from the painted "eyes" of the "Argo" depicted in the myth.
The second symbolism of the logo stems from its overall visual image and its colour code, indicating nature and our protection and care of the environment. The most important symbolism of our candidacy logo is that, for the first time, environmental concerns play the foremost role, both as an organisational priority and as the central operational principle for complete and perfectly organised Mediterranean Games.
This logo was chosen from the client since it was the one that simply encompassed much more strongly all the appropriate symbolisms against the other 2 suggestions.
RESULT: The logo is being used now by the cities of Volos and Larisa in order to promote their cities in various ways such as tourism, events etc. The logo is being seen across all media and gained much projection in Greece and overseas.
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