
by Kreatank • Uploaded: May. 15 '15 - Gallerized: May. '15


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Description: Proposal for Doberman Insurgente dog breeder
As seen on: Doberman
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 10098
Tags: breeder dog creatank

Lets Discuss

cnasshan May. 15 '15

I like the dog! Are you trying to keep it to 3 colors? I think another version with the highlight toned down would be nice. Just a thought!

Gane May. 16 '15

I'm glad to hear that, I know what you mean, with a softer highlight you mean, that would be a nice option as well for sure. Thanks for the tip.

ClimaxDesigns May. 16 '15

thats nice, maybe a dull gold would work instead of the bright orange as well


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