by andrendhiq • Uploaded: Jan. 02 '08 - Gallerized: Jan. '08
just my own idea, include the name.Unused.:)
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
Hmm, I think the elephant needs a little work. It looks like it says %22Auge!%22 to me. The tail just isn't carving out enough of the top area to fully form the H. Good energy though.
ReplyVery cool. Have you tried raising the ears higher to maybe make out the upper part of the %22H%22 better? I think using the tail wouldn't work because it's much to thin.*I like this... good one.
ReplyVery nice concept, the elephant it self says its huge... great
Replyexcellent and funny!!! great wrk buddy!!
Replyvery nice and powerplay.
ReplyLove it! ... maybe you could add a trunk to form a lower %22h%22. have to concern with thelab and ahab ... looks like the german word Auge (eye). but great work!
ReplyI agree with ahab,bring the ears up would make this killer.
ReplyFantastic concept and idea!! If you can make the 'H' a little more pronounced, this will be perfect.
ReplyI immediately read %22HUGE%22 and agree with conair ... elephant %3D huge.
ReplyHe he i really surprised with all feedbacks.Thanks all. I designed this just for fun. About the concept, Yes first i try to made the elephant look like %22H%22 but then i decided not too force it. l let the %22 elephant image%22 it self said %22huge%22 immediately without force it shaped as %22H%22. %0D*But i realized it's need more works. Ones again thank for kind feedbacks and suggestions.:)
ReplyThe concept is simply brilliant. Congratulations, I like this job!
Replycute idea!!!
ReplyHa Ha, very nice!!!! Love this logo.
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