by andrendhiq • Uploaded: Nov. 26 '07
Logo proposal for Office Owl.
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Whilst the illy is nice they look more like emporer penguins to me, I think it's the blue. How many blue owls do you see? Nice colour scheme but it loses the focal point.
ReplyI see 2
ReplyI do like the logo ...
ReplyThanks everyone for kind feedback.%0D*@ itsgareth: %0D*i agree, need more to be done with the owl illustration but i don't agree with the color. Do we must use original owl's feather color?:)%0D*%0D*@smartinup:%0D*Yes agree, typo need more works. I focused to illustration and i don't have enough time to do with typo.It must be submitted before the cometition ends.:D
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