Farronshonnen Community Youth Project

by TernaciousT • Uploaded: Nov. 23 '07


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Description: Rough concept for a Youth Project
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2895

Lets Discuss

TernaciousT Nov. 23 '07

I've spent the majority of time so far on the icon. Type is obviously in need of attention, that's the next step!

Shinaz Nov. 24 '07

wow...i love the icon. It's really cool. Great work.*I don't really understand what the word %22Farronshoneen%22 means but anyway i don't find much a problem with the typeface also. It looks great to me.

nido Nov. 25 '07

i think this is excellent!

firebrand Nov. 25 '07

I like the little F's %3B)

TernaciousT Dec. 05 '07

Thx Shinaz, nido %26 firebrand. I took on this project which involves designing logos for about 20 different projects that are part of a larger Youth Organisation, where my dad works. This is just one of many, its not very well paid but sometimes you have to do a few favours! You can see more of them in my showcase.

influxes Dec. 06 '07

I love the mark, good work!


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