boxfox idea unused concept

by dotflo • Uploaded: May. 10 '13 - Gallerized: May. '13


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Description: Second concept done for boxfox idea (boxfox idea will activate in the advertising area acting as a interface between clients and print-shops. They promise always to find great solutions at the best price for the clients even when the odds are against that.) The idea here was to create a simple linework design that anyone could draw, went unused in the end :)
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 13579
Tags: line linework custom tail

Lets Discuss

chanpion May. 14 '13

I quite like this version. Another nice logo to hit the unused box.

Petro May. 17 '13

Good idea, well done!

I-am-Tiago May. 17 '13

Love the simplicity!

dotflo May. 21 '13

thanks Petro, Tiago :)


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