Pilot Financial

by OcularInk • Uploaded: Mar. 12 '13 - Gallerized: Mar. '13


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Description: Re-brand for Pilot Financial. Original logo can be seen here (for a little while longer): http://www.pilotfa.com/ Pilot Financial develops customized plans to assist you in achieving your financial goals.
As seen on: Ocularink.com
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9164
Tags: burr kevin ink ocular

Lets Discuss

chanpion Mar. 18 '13

Nice work Doc. I was wondering what the solution was for the vignette sun in a mono version but you 'solidly' answered it.

ocularink Mar. 19 '13

What's up, dude!? Thanks for the kind words. Glad you approve the mono version. :-)

raja Mar. 25 '13

An excellent improvement from their current logo, Kevin! Good illustration style and attention to type. It has 'the look' I'm sure you were after

ocularink Mar. 29 '13

Thanks, dude! I really appreciate it and am really happy with how this came out.


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