by leethal • Uploaded: Oct. 18 '07


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Description: A brand ID for a Limerick based management company
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4255

Lets Discuss

TernaciousT Oct. 18 '07

That's a really beautiful logo! Well done.

Logo Designer Oct. 19 '07

Cute butterfly. Type looks great too!

secondtoughest Oct. 19 '07

Nice start Leethal,*I think that butterfly has too many intricacies. You'll lose that detail when the logo is shrunk down. **Also there is a huge difference in type size between the %22OMT group%22 and %22Organisational Development.%22 That could cause problems later on.**Finally, in the US, the common spelling of Organization is with a z instead of an s. But I see it is spelled with an s in other countries. Not sure if this is an issue or not.**

leethal Oct. 20 '07

Thanks for the comments. Secondtoughest, the americans use a z alright, here in Ireland its an s. The client already signed off on this 2 years ago.I cna see its flaws in some respects though.


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