Izlet na dlani 2

by choerte • Uploaded: Nov. 27 '12


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Description: Second mark for the travel website, the emphasis is on offering cheap airplane tickets. The name would translate to "trip at hand" or "trip within reach".
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 9222
Tags: hand trip travel ticket

Lets Discuss

choerte Nov. 27 '12

thanks for the insight

raja Nov. 28 '12

very nice, I love it

there is a saying that goes \'5 finger discount\' meaning less than cheap

choerte Nov. 28 '12

hehe, I didn\'t know that one, raja, it fits nicely :)

thanks everyone!

julius seniunas Nov. 29 '12

Been thinking today about this mark.Have you tried to make the plane with the second finger from the left? Could work really nice because we point the way with that finger, it is the most advanced finger too.

choerte Nov. 30 '12

yep, I have tried that one already, but it looked much weirder than it does now :D


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