Mango Restaurant

by SPARKcreative • Uploaded: Oct. 25 '12


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Description: A detailed logo with flat color (no gradient). really good for restaurant or bar or food shop.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 3891
Tags: illustration shop fruit green

Lets Discuss

SL Nov. 02 '12

This is great. Love the details.

SPARKcreative Nov. 22 '12

You\'re welcome SL ;)

morelucas Nov. 24 '12

I like the style, it feels fresh. The little logo between the mangos (cocktail of some sort?) let\'s me know it is party time! Also, I don\'t know if you care about these kind of things, but the image of two dangling mangos, almost skin color, kinda reminds me of something else... ;) To summarize: The style and idea are great, although the subtext of two dangling mangos and a party cocktail leave me a bit confused on what this business is actually selling.

I would like to see the rated G version with one mango, and no cocktail.

SPARKcreative Nov. 24 '12

Thanks morelucas, You\'re welcome. Your critique is very appreciated !!!


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