LimeLight Listings

by logoholik • Uploaded: Sep. 10 '07 - Gallerized: Dec. '07


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Description: Logo design for Limelight Listings – Hybrid of For Sale by Owner / Real Estate Agent services. Published in Logoliscious
As seen on: LimeLight Listings
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9563
Tags: green home lime

Lets Discuss

taytee01 Sep. 17 '07

I love how you integrated the lime and the house. What if you had a lime peel coming out of the chimney? Might be too much, but could work! Nice work!

ryantoyota Sep. 19 '07

This is really cool. I love it. Perfect typography.

bpotstra Dec. 07 '07

I think the type needs to be about 15%25 larger, so that its just a bit smaller than the mark. Also I would try rounding the top part of the window, to make it look like the window on a door... know what I mean?

kortneyk Jan. 18 '08

Does the real estate company specialize in monolithic domes? It looks like one...

fuzzyping Jan. 03 '09

Brilliant use of the %22slices%22 to portray lighting. Very nice.

logoholik Mar. 12 '10

sigh indeed. reported...


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