Tanager AudioWorks

by misterblubs • Uploaded: Aug. 29 '07


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Description: The scarlet Tanager is a favorite songbird of my client, whose startup is engineering affordable, mid-level production studio recording gear.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 5802

Lets Discuss

tdf Aug. 30 '07

Don't slip on the red banana %3B )

cresk Sep. 08 '07

I like it.. It kinda flows ...

misterblubs Sep. 17 '07

Thanks for the comments. Earlier in sketching process, I conquered the %22half-shucked ear of corn%22 look when the wings were smaller. As the possible banana problem emerged, I tried rotating the mark clockwise a few degrees, so it wouldn't 'sit' quite so. But the songbird's head wanted to be pointing up (to help keep his throat open).

arnoldDC71 Aug. 07 '10

Found you! I actually faved this for inspiration. I accidentally discovered it was you who designed it! Very nice.


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