by balic • Uploaded: Dec. 22 '11
Using only shades I made number 40 look 3D. In shades I incorporated music notes. Reading from left to right, 2nd goes one step up - symbolizing growth and progress during the past 40 years. Color scheme should describe joy, happyness, celebration.
Sacral choir "Collegium pro musica sacra" will celebrate their 40th birthsday in 2012.
I created this logo to use it on posters for many concerts they will have during the celebrating year.
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Lets Discuss
Thank you Tomasz! This is one of my favs too. I wonder if I made 3D effect harder to see with these colors?
ReplyThanks for the feedback, I appreciate it!
Replygood one :) i like it
ReplyPretty smart.
Replygreat solution there....GENIUS! digging this buddy! :)
ReplyThank you guys, your comments are very appreciated!
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