Mugshots Photobooths

by tass • Uploaded: Oct. 31 '11


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Description: Photo-booths with attendant providing instant filmstrip style pics of people having fun at their event both for corporate and private function. Australia.
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Status: Client work
Viewed: 4568

Lets Discuss

sealyspeak Oct. 31 '11

Like this a lot tass! Real good fun! The more I look at the characters they begin to look like... but hey! I still think it rocks a fat one! Love your work by the way.

tass Oct. 31 '11

Thank you Steven, thank you David! **No, it's a tie. The frame represents a guy (1 character) having fun (making funny faces) in a photo booth,

tass Oct. 31 '11

Thank you for your suggestion David, there was a proposal including a lady too but it was rejected by the client. I will look for it and update it.

tycoone Mar. 12 '17

Awesome Design. Fun and Great


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