by VERG • Uploaded: Oct. 22 '11 - Gallerized: Oct. '11
salt is a seaside village in north NSW and this is the first concept for a fish and chips shop.
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
beautiful composition
ReplyYes, I loved this somewhere else to! :D
Replyyou already know how i feel about this, matt.
Replycheers guys... legends the lot of you!
Replyaahh beautiful! :)
Replyreal fun, solid design, Matt.
ReplyFavourite! :)
ReplyI use this as a tattoo ... %3BD
Replyrippa! thank you LP. and thank you for the comments my friends. @ bernd, i did think the same when i was designing it.
ReplyI thought I commented on this, I just love it, fantastic work!
ReplyCheers Sean!
ReplyHas a great feel about it. Love the classic %22Popeye%22 salty sea dog look, the texture only adds to this amazing work. Jealous. And strangely hungry...
Replyhaha! thanks sealy... it looks like this salty sea dog look isn't the direction the client wants to take. a real shame i think.
Replydamn shame.
Replywhat's next Matt ... so sorry ...
ReplyThe client's going to draw it up himself. I guess we'll see. Anyone want to buy a nice fish and chip logo? Mwohaha!
Replywow great logo....fantastic work!
ReplyWhoa, commented but forgot to float!
ReplyCan't believe the client does not want this logo. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD! Great work.
Replythanks fellas! oh well, you win some and you loose some. this was a quick turnaround request that didn't go through the usual brandmark brief process i normally put in place. it's an important process i shouldn't have left out but the tight deadline didn't allow me the opportunity to get inside the clients head like i like to. i got excited about this design and just pinned my ears back... anyway, i love it %26 it's gallerized, job's a good'un!
ReplyLove the interesting layout here.
Replythanks antonio and devey... really pumped you like!
Replywow! love this one !!
Replythanks Julius. nice new mark you're sporting there.
ReplyCheers szende! What an awesome compliment, thanks heaps and really stoked you like.
Replythanks pieter! really appreciate your feedback and compliment.
ReplyOk, I really appreciate your work, though I've only known about it for like 10 minutes now, but seriously, nice stuff.**Could I bother you with some serious critique on my work, either here or I really want to improve, but I'm not sure how to improve my designs, and I think you would be more than able :)**I would very much appreciate it! If not, that's cool, no problem :) Thanks if you do!
ReplyThanks again aspect. I'll take a squizz at your work and send you an email. Thanks again for the kind words about my showcase. Much appreciated.
ReplyOh, awesome! Thanks a ton! You are most certainly welcome :)
ReplyI don\'t know...why do I love this :)
Replyyeah, not sure mate. definitely one of my most favourite unused proposals. Feels too good to not have a home I say.
ReplyThis has bags of character.
ReplyThank you, Dan & Stud
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