by ideoma • Uploaded: Oct. 07 '11
idea that popped today while working
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Just for fun
Lets Discuss
This is awesome. Idea and execution are great.
ReplyHave you seen this?*
Reply@ jonhyd, i didn%B4t saw it before and it's pretty similar but the concepts are entirely different. This color combination at first was exactly the one you had! I hope you don't think i'm stealing your logo %3D)
Replythanks GreenInk it means a lot your kind words, you have an outstanding showcase with many unique designs
ReplyI quite like this. Magenta and cyan gets used together quite alot on many different designs so I'm not sure what jonnyd is concerned about. Conceptual wise like you said is completely different. I will however refine the text abit for eg. making it a touch smaller and make DIA and LOG the same length. But overall, this is very strong.
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