Bad Wolf

by ThatLogoGuy • Uploaded: Sep. 29 '11


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Description: I designed this logo and developed the brandname for an up and coming video game studio.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 11071

Lets Discuss

robiro Sep. 29 '11

The symbol and the type don%60t really match. I would suggest working a litte more on the symbol.

mommymish Mar. 18 '14

I know this is an older original post...
Newbie here looking for a logo for new golf ball products...possibly with Wolf in the name
was this logo every used from the intended company? I really like it

GERRYDYM Dec. 28 '19

Hi, how are you? Can I use the logo for a brand? I really like only the part of the wolf, the name would not use it ... I hope your answer


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