by deiv • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '11 - Gallerized: Jul. '11
fast idea walking the street. sketched something on my phone, walked home, redrew it. / Just found new home and is in use by client.
Client work
Lets Discuss
fun little walking sketch.
ReplyHa, that's great!
ReplyGreat idea, Deiv.
ReplyHeh, I do this all the time. I drive about an hour each way for my day job, and that leaves me with lots of time to think about ideas. Lots of times, I'll find myself scribbling my ideas on whatever scrap of paper I can get my mitts on when stopped at traffic lights. It's amazing what inspiration you find when you're out and about in the world, sometimes while doing the most mundane things. Great to see you've constantly got your thinking cap on. Love your idea!
ReplyNice banana design
Replygreat idea ... like it deiv !
Replythank you, guys! :)*David, it is Adobe heiti a little customized :)
ReplyGreat concept!
Replythank you Lady!
ReplyJon, yes i understand you, i know how it feels and looks when you are somewhere you can look, dream, think about something you see, you read. Lots of good things goes to your head... and it reminds who you are or who you want to be... %3C3 with passion
Replydiev, very good work!
ReplyNice bananas :D
ReplyG R E A T !
ReplyDelicios logo))
ReplyHey, big congrats on the gallery spot, Deiv! This is a really great concept.
ReplyFun! As long as we remember to keep our eyes open - inspiration is all around us!
ReplyImpressive work Deiv!
Replythanks all of you for great words!
ReplyReally like this one !
Replythank you, guys!*
Replynice visualization!
ReplyGood job!!
ReplyBrillant use of the negative space. Nice Work!
ReplyClever work!
ReplyLove this. So simple and clean. You really boiled it down to the essence. If you dont mind, I'd like to discuss this logo in my logo design podcast. Would that be all right?
Replyso smart
Reply..very simple, nicely done!!
ReplyBrilliantly clever! Fav'd
Replythank you, guys :)
ReplyMan, this is already a million dollar brand. Great work!
Replywhen I heard this ... remembered your banana work ...
ReplyBernd, the %22whaaaaat?%22 you're watchn'?
ReplyI'm a big fan of Stuart Zender .... so that's why I've stumbled upon the children's program .... %3BD
ReplyLove this. Exemplifies why I don't drive a car! Walking %3D more thinking time.
ReplyThis little bird has just found new home.
ReplyOne of the smartest logos I've ever seen.
ReplyWho use this logo?
ReplyI would like to use it with my products.
Can I buy it?
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