Black and white FirePlace depot

by Logomotive • Uploaded: Jul. 21 '11 - Gallerized: Mar. '14


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Lets Discuss

logomotive Jul. 21 '11

You like the layout, broiler,smoke,cab and cowcatcher design here?

logomotive Jul. 21 '11

Thanks I exaggerated things for perspective. Not how a REAL cowcatcher looks.

Mikeymike Jul. 21 '11

love it Mike. the %22F%22 and the %22E%22 bookend so fine.

dotflo Jul. 21 '11

great lookin mike, love it

logomotive Jul. 21 '11

Thanks guys just wondered how ya all feel about putting so much thought, effort and style into a design to have it basically mimicked?

Sean Heisler Jul. 21 '11

Agree, translated to black and white nicely, looks great.

Mikeymike Jul. 21 '11

Mike are you talking about the design that was just up and now is gone?*Or am I mistaken? Or am I just imagining things?

logomotive Jul. 21 '11

well I see something similar still but maybe I'm just imaging things. Comments

Mikeymike Jul. 21 '11

saw it now Mike, I agree with ya! seems a tad close.

Mikeymike Jul. 21 '11

submit dates throw me though.

vasvari Jul. 21 '11

Great illustration!

logomotive Jul. 21 '11

:) Thanks Eric and Mikey. Look I'm an easy going guy as long as someone acknowledges or admits. In fact I give them the Go ahead as long as it's cool with both parties(clients). But to avoid an issue really taps my hide. I cannot honestly believe that this was slightly influenced. I'm pretty easy going in general but when it comes to plagiarism I'm a bit flighty. Ask Roy how he's doing these days.

logomotive Jul. 21 '11

Mikey designed this WAY back and even before this one

milou Jul. 21 '11

Looks really good in b%26w, Mike. Where is the mentioned work?

Mikeymike Jul. 21 '11

thought you had a color version. got ya!

nickhood Jul. 21 '11

Great work, Mike. The logo i commented on earlier by Crest looks similar to this.

Atomicvibe Jul. 21 '11

Jeezus, I think it's time to start looking at barista jobs at Starbucks, what with you out there designing kickass logos like this and making the rest of us look bad. Ad always, top notch work, hombre. Love everything about it.

THEArtistT Jul. 21 '11

tell us about it %5E

Rudy Hurtado Jul. 21 '11

Looks finished Mike if you know what I mean, and I mean everything is in its place, kudos!

pragmahead Jul. 22 '11

Nice one. Looks very polished.

javaap Jul. 22 '11

Great thing when a beautiful logo looks even cooler in b%26w.

cresk Jul. 23 '11

Yeah, I hear ya Mike.**Just to avoid any accusation of plagiarism, I removed my beer locomotive from my gallery. I'm not married with it either, but it seems that some folks may seem to think you invented the steam locomotive back in 30's :)

logomotive Jul. 23 '11

Cresk you can honestly tell me you were not influenced at all?

cresk Jul. 23 '11

Common Mike, I thought we had this discussion before right?*

cresk Jul. 23 '11

Conclusion, yes we all get influenced all the time, whether we like it or not. Sometimes it's unavoidable and hard to escape this fact.**That being said, yes your locomotive logo might have been of a great influence that time for sure, because apparently it must have been permanently stored somewhere in my memory. Looking back at both designs I must shamefully admit that I was really shocked about how - unintentionally - close our designs were.**But I think, or at least I hope, you know I'm not the kind of guy who carelessly traces or copies another men's work. You know I'm just too fucking proud for that.

logomotive Jul. 23 '11

Cresk, I appreciate your response. Thanks. I know your not directly copying and I agree I think we all influence each other from time to time. I just think it's common practice and ethical out of respect for each other and the client to discuss this between one another before it gets to another level. That's all. I think mostly it was the overall shape and the way the cowcatcher was styled for me. All good in the hood.

nido Jul. 23 '11

Roy influences most though...

logomotive Jul. 23 '11

%5Eand the biggest.

oski Aug. 16 '11

Beautiful and full of details

hanuman shakti Sep. 14 '11

love the illu....well packed

logomotive Sep. 16 '11

Thanks Guys, I actually like it better in one color. :)


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