My Lyst

by Mikeymike • Uploaded: Jul. 01 '11


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Description: unused concept for a web site that would let you list you favorite things to do in a community. And so could everyone else, so you could look at other personal favorites and go check them out on your own.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 3770

Lets Discuss

Mikeymike Jul. 01 '11

some custom type I had fun doing, but to no avail. A no go with client.

ColinTierney Jul. 01 '11

%5Eseems to be the case with me lately. nonetheless, well done mike.

Mikeymike Jul. 01 '11

Sorry to hear that Colin.

rudy hurtado Jul. 01 '11

Awesome! regardless of what happened, don't take it personal, it comes with the territory, and sorry to say it will happen again just keep doing the great work that you usually do.

Mikeymike Jul. 01 '11

Thanks, Rudy. After thirty three of this business, I know this ain't the last reject. Still fun to do the work. (: cheers man.

Mikeymike Jul. 01 '11

opps... meant after %2233 years%22 in this business.

nickhood Jul. 05 '11

Nice work, Mike. Thats too bad.


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