by kairevicius • Uploaded: Jul. 01 '11 - Gallerized: Aug. '11
Custom type wordmark
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
Goooood :)*
ReplyLooks very nice!
ReplyThank you for your nice comments :)
ReplyI like this. My brain keeps wanting it to be an ambigram, but I think that's just because ambigrams are so %22in%22 right now. I think it's ok that this mark is similar, but not quite. It gets back to custom wordmarks that have balance and rhythm without trying too hard to be trendy. And don't get me wrong, I do LOVE a good ambigram. But this is a refreshing break.
ReplyGood point, Jon :)
ReplyI like too much.
ReplyCool! At first, i I thought it was an ambigram! %3D)
ReplyThank you!! :)
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