by storozhev • Uploaded: May. 05 '11 - Gallerized: May. '11
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Description: Logo for the restaurant. Competition. Status: Unused proposal Viewed: 15951 Tags: white • food • animal • lettering Share:
BB-uhi - eto shikarnaia nahodka!
Nice type! The t in both words looks identical, so maybe work that a bit?
Jefferson Airplane :)
great idea of the BB, nice
Pozdravlaju s o4erednim popadaniem v gallereju )
A jesli bitj to4nee, to s pervim xD
Love those bunny ears!
love love loveeee it. Ive always wanted to try out a free flowing logo like this, but can never get it right! I always get confusing with alignment, any tips? :)
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BB-uhi - eto shikarnaia nahodka!
ReplyNice type! The t in both words looks identical, so maybe work that a bit?
ReplyJefferson Airplane :)
Replygreat idea of the BB, nice
ReplyPozdravlaju s o4erednim popadaniem v gallereju )
ReplyA jesli bitj to4nee, to s pervim xD
ReplyLove those bunny ears!
Replylove love loveeee it. Ive always wanted to try out a free flowing logo like this, but can never get it right! I always get confusing with alignment, any tips? :)
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